Celtic Connection

La Connexion Celtique  Version Française

Latest News

The exclusive interview on Grenoble Life: http://www.grenoblelife.com/grenobles-celtic-connection/

NEW! From April 2013, memebership of the Celtic Connection entitles you to membership of the library at Babel. Come and browse the shelves at 2 rue St Ursule (behind the Cathedral) and their opening times are: 

  • Tuesday: 12:15-1:45 pm
  • Wednesday: 12-2 pm and 4:30-6 pm
  • Thursday: 4-6 pm
  • Friday: closed
  • Saturday: 3-5 pm

During the school holidays, the library is only open on Wednesdays

They are also always interested in donations of books.  Their website is: http://www.babelassociation.eu/

You can contact them at this address: association.babel@laposte.net

Have you set up a company in Grenoble?

Tell us about it.


Events brief

St Patrick's party. Centre culturel Arménien.

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